We mock Hollywood these days for their endless remakes and reboots, but ’80s musicians got a pass for it during
Author: Steve Spears
Podcast: Celebrating/mourning 35 years of MTV
Oh, MTV. You’re like that first love that we never really get over. Our romance with you, born on a
Podcast: Our review of the ‘Ghostbusters’ remake
Oh, Slimer. You sold your soul too? For all-you-can-eat dirty water hot dogs, there you are grinning in the remake
Podcast: Good soundtracks to bad movies
Ugh! It’s hard to look at this photo of Michael J. Fox in Bright Lights, Big City and not still
New podcast: News on Highlander, Splash and more
Don’t lose your head – we’re back with another episode of ’80s News Now. I’m sorry. Too cliche? Well, hopefully
Latest podcast: Four iconic albums from 1986
We’re nearly halfway through the year and we’ve neglected to honor some of the amazing music that was released this